Kommuities for Communities


Kommunities for Communities (K4C)

The trusted space for Kommunity Managers

As of 2023, ALL our licensee Administrators will have automatic access to the NEW K4C LAB.

The K4C LAB will serve dual purpose:

If you would like a sneak peak reach out below.

1. Trusted Peer to Peer Collaboration

This will be a place where like-minded LAB Administrators come to share and collaborate.

It is an opportunity to share wins, what works best and help others achieve their business goals within their Lab.

2. KLE updates and ROADMAP

This will be a place where the Kontent Labs Technical team can share the latest developments around KLE.

We will share what we are currently working on, in addition to providing early access (sandpit testing) on brand new KLE modules. Here you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts and insights to assist our team in delivering the best possible new feature.

Most ROADMAP items will be generic KLE3 inclusions for all customers, whereas some will be opt-in (addon) Modules to the KLE3 framework.

The K4C lab is ready NOW, however, will hold off access until February 2023 to enable our team to add some starter content. You will see a NEW widget when you login to YOUR Lab as Administrator, for single click access to the K4C LAB. You can then single click back into your lab anytime from within the K3C Dashboard/Menu.

Public KLE3 Roadmap

The Kontent Labs Technical team are always working to further improve the KLE3 engine. Additionally, based on client-feedback, we are working on NEW modules to include or add-on (optional) to the KLE3 Framework.

Click here to view the current public KLE3 Roadmap

Note: More detail is also available in your private communication environment