Terms & Conditions


1. Reselling Access to your Lab

It is strictly prohibited for Clients to resell their Lab, or create another Lab within their portal and offer commercially to another party.

Client may sell subscription access to their Lab on an Account basis. Additionally Clients may sell subscriptions to products contained within their lab.

2. Individual Access to the Lab

It is strictly prohibited for end-users (Members, students or other) to SHARE their account information for dual-login.

It is permissable for Clients to share their Adminstrator account information IF NOT USING a real email address. It is recommended you create additional Administrator accounts for your Lab if/as required.

3. ALL CONTENT is the responsibility of the Client

Kontent Labs take no responsibility for uploaded content on your Lab. Please take care to currate/moderate member posts, and ensure you are not breaching potential copyright when adding content.

Kontent Labs reserves the right to take-down any post or materials which has been reported as malicious or breaching copyright.

Subsequently, all data on your portal belongs to you, the Client. All code and technology (the Portal), including Customisations, remain the sole property, and intellectual property of Kontent Labs Pty Ltd.

4. Your own Terms & Conditions for LAB access

Kontent Labs strongly recommends Clients add their OWN TERMS & CONDITIONS policy to their lab. Inside Administration panel, and under Site Settings, you see the area where you can activate this feature, and upload your own PDF &/or type in your own Terms & Conditions for member entry.

5. Financial non-compliance

Kontent Labs reserves the unconditional right to deactivate access to your Lab in the event your Annual licenses have not been paid by the Invoice DUE DATE.

Kontent Labs reserves the unconditional right to remove or hide CUSTOM workflows/features if a custom scoping invoice is overdue.

6. Integration and support for 3rd Party connections

Integrating your KLE Lab with another vendor or product is always possible. This will always be considered a Customisation to configure.

Kontent Labs takes NO responsibility in the event, the connection goes down due to the 3rd party vendor or product.

In the event, a problem occurs with a configured API (or integartion point), any support for this connection will be chargeable to the Client, on an hourly basis.

In the unlikely event of a break in connection occurs due to a KLE change/configuration change, Kontent Labs will resolve the issue (KLE side only) at no charge to the Client.

7. Customisation Warranty

All scoped customisation work includes a 90 day, or 3 month Warranty.

Note: KLE Lab itself (out of the box) includes FULL warranty for the licensed period.

In the event a break occurs after the expired period (3 months maximum), hourly rates will be incurred to resolve any issue.

A complete/full Terms & Conditions document will be provided during the Licensing phase of your implementation.